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Navigating a career change at any age

Successfully Navigating a Career Change at Any Age

If you’ve ever found yourself pondering the question of whether or not, you should reconsider your current career, you’re not alone. According to a report by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, during the 12-month period ending in February 2023, a notable 1.3 million individuals transitioned to new employment opportunities. This signifies a job mobility rate of 9.5%, …

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How To Make Perfect First Impressions At Job Interviews

Job interviews challenge your mastery of etiquette in a high-stakes situation.  Fortunately the rules aren’t complex. We are given 7 seconds for a first impression, however scientists believe that traits such as likeability, trustworthiness and attractiveness are assessed in as little as 1/10th of a second.  While we can’t change the shape of our faces, we can use psychology to gain an …

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How To Ask For A Pay Raise in 4 Simple Ways

Introduction According to a survey by Bankrate, 30% of employees consider better pay as over other benefits when seeking employment opportunities. I’ve negotiated salaries and contract rates over a thousand times for candidates. There is one rule that always ran true… Don’t ask, don’t get.  Requesting a raise doesn’t guarantee one. But not asking for …

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Strategic LinkedIn Profile Picture Tips: Enhance Your Professional Branding

Introduction In the dynamic world of LinkedIn, your professional LinkedIn photo or profile picture holds the key to leaving a lasting first impression on potential employers, clients, and connections. With a single glance, it conveys your professionalism, credibility, and personal brand. But, how do you ensure that your LinkedIn profile picture hits the mark? In …

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Your Personal Brand & the Art of Bragging

How to Present Accomplishments Without Arrogance Not to brag, but I’ve interviewed the best. Wait, actually I do want to brag. Let me sing my praises! I’ve interviewed CEOs of billion dollar corporations. IT Architects with certifications no one else possesses in the Southern Hemisphere. Change managers who have singlehandedly turned failing multi-million dollar projects around. Their …

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