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Career Coaching

Here’s Why You Need a Coach to Help You Navigate a Career Transition

A career transition, even within the familiar realms of your industry or organisation, is a formidable task. It brings its own set of challenges — uncertainties, skill adjustments, and the need for strategic planning. Yet, within this challenge lies a wealth of potential rewards — enhanced growth, a refined skill set, and the realisation of …

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How an Expert Career Mentor Can Help You Jump-start Your Professional Journey

Career mentoring is a collaborative, professional relationship in which a more experienced and knowledgeable individual, known as a mentor, provides guidance, advice, and support to a less experienced person, the mentee, to help them navigate their career path, set and achieve career goals, and develop essential skills and competencies needed for success in a particular …

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Navigating a career change at any age

Successfully Navigating a Career Change at Any Age

If you’ve ever found yourself pondering the question of whether or not, you should reconsider your current career, you’re not alone. According to a report by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, during the 12-month period ending in February 2023, a notable 1.3 million individuals transitioned to new employment opportunities. This signifies a job mobility rate of 9.5%, …

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Business Analyst Certification Pathways

Elevate Your Career as a Business Analyst with Top Certifications

Introduction In today’s competitive job market, obtaining relevant certifications has become increasingly vital for professionals aiming to advance their business analysis careers. With numerous options available, it’s essential to identify the best certifications that align with your career goals and provide a competitive edge. In this article, we will explore the advantages of acquiring business …

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How to Effectively Address Redundancy on Your CV and During Job Search

Introduction Redundancy is a common occurrence in the job market, and it can have a significant impact on job seekers. When an employer decides to reduce their workforce, employees may find themselves without a job, unsure of how to move forward. It can be a daunting task to address redundancy on your CV and during …

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How To Ask For A Pay Raise in 4 Simple Ways

Introduction According to a survey by Bankrate, 30% of employees consider better pay as over other benefits when seeking employment opportunities. I’ve negotiated salaries and contract rates over a thousand times for candidates. There is one rule that always ran true… Don’t ask, don’t get.  Requesting a raise doesn’t guarantee one. But not asking for …

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Your Personal Brand & the Art of Bragging

How to Present Accomplishments Without Arrogance Not to brag, but I’ve interviewed the best. Wait, actually I do want to brag. Let me sing my praises! I’ve interviewed CEOs of billion dollar corporations. IT Architects with certifications no one else possesses in the Southern Hemisphere. Change managers who have singlehandedly turned failing multi-million dollar projects around. Their …

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