CV Writers Australia

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Author name: Melissa


How to Make Employment Gaps Look Awesome on Your CV and Cover Letters

“Can you explain this employment gap in your resume?” No matter how confident you are while addressing queries about your employment history, this is a question that catches the best of us off guard. Is It Bad to Have a Gap in Your Resume? Absolutely not! Most of us have employment gaps on our resumes

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common cover letter mistakes

Cover Letter Writing: The Ultimate “How To” Guide to Writing an Impressive Cover Letter and The Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid

Introduction The purpose of the cover letter is to get your CV or resume elevated to the top of applicants. However, it is difficult to inspire interest when your letter is like the other 50 in the pile; repetitive, copied and pasted, and unconvincing. Great cover letter writing will set you apart, while poor cover

Cover Letter Writing: The Ultimate “How To” Guide to Writing an Impressive Cover Letter and The Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid Read More »

How to Get a Better Job in IT, Telecommunications & Technology

How to Get a Better Job in IT, Telecommunications & Technology

ITCV Writers specialise in IT career coaching services and are experts in writing CVs & LinkedIn profiles for professionals and executives in IT, telecommunications and sales. LOOKING FOR A BETTER JOB? You’ll love our free job interview preparation eBook. This interview preparation coaching guide is the ultimate job-seeker resource. Download it for free today here.

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Woman with head on desk

Resigning Without Regrets: A Quick Guide On Moving On

Our work is bound with emotions. We’re not just filling roles and providing functions like robots; we’re fostering human relationships, forming friendships, and forging bonds that may grow and develop regardless of where we are currently employed. In these contemporary times, many people spend more time with their work colleagues than their own families, so

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7 Expert Tips For Successful IT Contracting

We asked our career coaches, IT CV and LinkedIn profile writers to outline their top tips for IT contractors. Looking to land that lucrative, next-level contract role, or win your employer’s undying loyalty?  The key to success is understanding what companies, hiring managers and recruiters are looking for. 1. Know Yourself Understand your value proposition and be great at

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