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How to Prepare for an Online Interview: A Complete Guide


In the rapidly evolving landscape of professional recruitment, technology has ushered in a transformative shift, fundamentally altering the way interviews are conducted. Online interviews, once a novelty, have now become an integral part of the hiring process. According to a study by PGI, 90% of recruiters agree that a virtual interview saves substantial time in the overall hiring process. As job seekers navigate this digital realm to secure promising opportunities, understanding the intricacies of online interviews and mastering the art of virtual communication have never been more imperative.

In this article, we delve into the realm of online interviews, exploring what they entail, their advantages and disadvantages, and essential pro tips for effectively preparing for and excelling in these virtual encounters. Whether you’re someone who has a video interview lined up in the coming weeks or a professional who’s been through a fair few interviews but still have trouble understanding the virtual interview norms, this comprehensive guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate the virtual interview landscape with confidence and finesse.

Advantages of Online Interviews

Benefits of online interviews are plenty. Firstly, they save time as you can sit for an interview from the comfort of your home. Secondly, they eliminate the need for travel and associated expenses. Additional advantages include –

1. Convenience and Accessibility
Online interviews eliminate geographical barriers, allowing candidates and employers to connect seamlessly regardless of their location. This level of accessibility is particularly beneficial for remote job opportunities or when considering candidates from diverse geographical areas.

2. Time Efficiency
Virtual interviews save time for both parties involved in the hiring process. With no need for travel and setup, interviews can be scheduled and conducted swiftly, accelerating the overall hiring timeline. This efficiency is especially advantageous in fast-paced industries.

3. Cost-Effective
Conducting interviews online significantly reduces costs associated with traditional in-person interviews, including travel expenses, venue booking, and accommodation. Employers can channel these savings into other aspects of the recruitment process or invest them back into the organisation.

4. Global Opportunities
Online interviews open doors to global opportunities for job candidates. They provide the chance to showcase skills and expertise to prospective employers regardless of geographical barriers. This expanded reach allows candidates to explore a diverse range of roles and industries, broadening their horizons and offering a platform to connect with employers from around the world.

5. Enhanced Candidate Experience
Virtual interviews offer candidates the flexibility to choose an environment where they feel most comfortable, potentially reducing interview-related stress. Candidates can showcase their abilities in a setting of their choice, promoting a positive candidate experience, which is vital for employer branding and attracting top talent.

Disadvantages of Online Interviews

While online interviews offer remarkable advantages, they also bring forth a set of challenges. Some challenges imposed by virtual interviews include –

1. Technical Challenges
Online interviews heavily rely on technology, and technical glitches like poor internet connectivity, software issues, or hardware malfunctions can disrupt the flow of the interview and negatively impact the candidate’s performance and overall experience.

2. Limited Non-verbal Cues
Online interviews may lack the richness of in-person interactions, making it challenging to gauge non-verbal cues such as body language and facial expressions accurately. This limitation can hinder the interviewer’s ability to assess a candidate comprehensively.

3. Difficulty in Building Rapport
Establishing a personal connection and building rapport can be more challenging in a virtual setting. The absence of physical presence and the formal nature of online interviews can make it difficult for both the candidate and the interviewer to establish a comfortable dialogue.

4. Potential Distractions
Candidates participating in online interviews might face distractions in their home environment, ranging from household noises to family members entering the interview space. These distractions can affect their focus and, consequently, their performance during the interview.

5. Impersonal Experience
Online interviews may lack the personal touch and warmth of in-person interactions. The digital interface can create a somewhat impersonal experience, potentially diminishing the candidate’s perception of the organisation and its culture.

Best Practices for Virtual Interviews

If you’re feeling intimidated by the mere idea of virtual interviews, don’t be! Because online interviews are a new experience, the learning curve will not be as smooth as one might want it to be. But, with some trial and error and our curated tips, you can indeed ace an online interview. Here are our top online interview tips – 

Pre – Interview

Test Your Technology
As a rule of thumb, you should always conduct a thorough functional check of your equipment. Ensure your device, internet connection, and any required hardware and software are functioning optimally well in advance. Conduct test runs to familiarise yourself with the platform to avoid any technical glitches during the actual interview. Following is a basic checklist that you can follow – 

  • Is your internet connection stable?
  • Is your audio device working properly?
  • Is your webcam connected and working?
  • Do you have the latest version of the interview platform?

Once you have completed the basic setup, a good practice would be to host a mock call with a family or friend just to check if your system is up and running.

PRO TIP: Ensure your microphone quality is up to par, especially if English is your second language. Microphone quality exaggerates any small challenges in understanding someone, so it should be eliminated. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune either, it might just be switching to a lapel mic on a wired headset, instead of using a laptop mic.

Choose the Right Environment
Select a quiet, well-lit space with a neutral background to maintain a professional appearance. Minimise distractions and inform those around you about the interview to create an interruption-free environment. 

PRO TIP: Take some time to declutter the space you’re going to use for the interview, and remove any odd objects in the background that might look unprofessional.  

Dress Professionally
Dress in appropriate, professional attire as you would for an in-person interview. Looking the part boosts your confidence and showcases your seriousness and dedication to the role.

Prepare for Common Questions
Anticipate potential interview questions based on the job role and industry. Practise concise, clear, and confident responses to these questions to showcase your qualifications effectively. 

PRO TIP: Often, following the STAR framework helps in building comprehensive and precise answers to common interview questions, especially those that relate to your professional experiences.

During – Interview

Maintain Eye Contact and Posture
Position your camera at eye level to maintain natural eye contact with the interviewer. Sit up straight with good posture to convey confidence and attentiveness throughout the interview, and don’t forget to smile. Although online interviews lack a personal touch in the overall experience, you can still transfer some best practices in terms of body language from conventional, in-person interviews.  

Practise Active Listening
Pay close attention to the interviewer’s questions, and respond thoughtfully. Avoid interruptions, and don’t hesitate to seek clarifications if needed before providing a comprehensive answer. If you’re worried about interrupting the interviewer mid-sentence, wait until they finish talking, and then go forward with your questions. Maintain an empathetic and polite tone throughout to leave a positive impression.

Post – Interview

Follow Up
Send a thank-you email to the interviewer, expressing gratitude for the opportunity and reiterating your interest in the position. This gesture reinforces your enthusiasm and professionalism.

In today’s dynamic and interconnected world, online interviews have not only become a convenience but a necessity, bridging geographical gaps and saving valuable time and resources for both employers and candidates. Embracing the potential of online interviews and adapting to the changing dynamics of hiring processes will undoubtedly be a hallmark of future career success. By staying informed, honing your digital interview skills, and leveraging the opportunities presented by this technological shift, you can navigate the future of interviews with confidence and finesse.

Ready to ace your interviews? Elevate your performance with our Interview Coaching Service!

  • Gain the confidence to articulate your abilities effectively and present yourself with conviction during job interviews.
  • Learn proven frameworks and tailored techniques that are designed to help you answer questions with precision, making a lasting impression on recruiters.
  • Engage in mock interviews with our experienced career coaches, receiving real-time feedback to refine your responses and improve your interview performance.

Don’t let opportunities slip away. Prepare effectively and make your mark in the competitive job market.

Ben Wood
Ben Wood

Career Coach, CV Writer, CV Writers + ITCV Writers Practice Manager - Tech and Executive Profile Specialist

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